
kniven avatar image
kniven asked

Charger not showing in the victron display.

Hi all. I'm completely new to this, in the process of setting up a monitoring system for my sailboat. I have set up a Raspberry PI 3 with a touch screen display for viewing the victron system. Relevant devices to this post is: the charger (Phoenix Smart IP43 Charger 12|50 (1+1) ), a smart shunt 500 A. Both connected to the RPI via USB interface cables.

The data flows nicely to both my SignalK data server as well as to the VRM portal (screenshots attached).

My issue is that I'm not able to set up my dashboard on the victron display correctly. I have tried several attempts, including modifications of the config files on the RPI, as well as installing the Gui Mods package. Without any success.

First of all, my charger does not show, with any detail. The battery monitor (smart shunt) is showing. How can i fix this?

Best regards, Leif.

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dashboard display
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2 Answers
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi @kniven,

the PSC does not have a special tile in the graphic overview. But you should see it in the device list.
I think what you're looking for maybe is the DC System tile. You can activate this from Settings/System Setup.

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Mark avatar image Mark ♦♦ commented ·

Even if the DC system tile is activated, the power from the Pheonix Smart Charger is automatically subtracted and not shown there (or anywhere else on the overview screen).

The only way power from the Pheonix Smart Charger will show in the DC system tile is if the VE.Direct cable is unplugged from the GX device (providing there is also a battery monitor in the system).

I have brought this behaviour/limitation up in the past.

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Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ Mark ♦♦ commented ·

Yes, correct. But pulling the VE.Direct cable still makes it a guess game when there are other chargers (ie. Orion, Alternator etc) in the setup.

There is still the option to read from the device list, VRM, Modbus, MQTT, Signal K etc. and of course Venus HTML5 app.
Let's hope that this restriction will soon be history,

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kniven avatar image
kniven answered ·

Hi @Stefanie . Thank you for your answer. I activated the DC system tile, but that does not affect the charger that's missing in the view. Is it correct as you say, that the phoenix charger, nor any of it's parameters, can not be displayed on the screen? Sounds strange, all the time the data is visible in the VRM portal (and signalK). 1642333526406.png

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As said, you will see the PSC only in the device list of your GX device (and on VRM or Signal K depending on how you have setup the system).

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