
pboshoff avatar image
pboshoff asked

ESS reason codes not displayed on Cerbo GX

ESS mode is set to Optimized (with BatteryLife) but the ESS reason codes is not displayed on the Cerbo GX as per the below example, what is missing from my configuration?1639556193276.png

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3 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

Short of a crystal ball, we're going to need a lot more information if you are to get anything helpful back.

What is the setup/configuration and inverter/charger settings etc?

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pboshoff avatar image
pboshoff answered ·

3 x 6.4kw 125Ah BSL Battery inter linked with RJ45 cable on RS485 ports and linked to Cerbo GX from CAN port.

1 x Victron mppt 250/100 controller linked to Cerbo

1 x Victron Multiplus II linked to Cerbo

Inverter settings


Charger settings1639561806716.png

Device List on Cerbo GX


System setup1639562021106.png


Hope this is enough, let me know what more you would need.

Thank you for looking into this.

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ commented ·

We're missing a few tabs, including the assistant tab and summary thereof.

Would suggest you check that all firmware versions are up to date, as is the assistant loaded on the multi.

Step through this doc to make sure all the basics are done properly:

One obvious difference so far on a single phase system, in ESS multiphase regulation should be set to individual phase.

Make sure the BSL BMS is also reporting the correct number of batteries on the GX.

An easy way to check if limits are being hit would be to manually raise the SOC limits to be above the current reported level of charge.

Your active limit is a lot higher than the set limit, you may want to choose "without batterylife" for test purposes.

If ESS is properly operational then the correct state should be displayed fine.

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

Do you have any problems? As long as everything is good you wont see them and you don't want to see them.

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ commented ·
Status codes aren’t about things being wrong.

At a high active soc, this is either a new install or there’s been low pv. You would expect to see status codes show when any of the minima are hit.

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