
niels-cup avatar image
niels-cup asked

Run Multiplus II shore power only disconnect batteries

I have installed a Victron MultiPlus-II 48/5000/70-50 230V in my boat. When I am away from my boat I would like to switch off my batteries and run a single 230V group (security camera's, and a few lights) from shore power only. I tried this by simply switching off the batteries but then the entire Victron shuts down. I thought it would continue passing through shore power but apparently it doesn't. Is there any way to do this?

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2 Answers
snoobler avatar image
snoobler answered ·

The inverter requires a 48V source.

You would need to install a transfer switch with inverter and shore as inputs with the output to the desired loads.

If you have lead-acid batteries, you want to leave the MP running to keep the batteries floated.

If you have LFP batteries, you could leave it running with a reduced float of 3.30V/cell to prevent damaging the cells.

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niels-cup avatar image
niels-cup answered ·

thanks for your answer. I have LFP batteries. I thought a multiplus could do this on its own… I will have a look at the transfer switch.

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