
jagizzi avatar image
jagizzi asked

Smart shunt install in travel trailer

Our new to us travel trailer has two chassis ground cables, one at the negative battery terminal and one from the Power Center. The Power Center cable is common to the 12V ground bus and the 110V bonding system and is in a different location than the forward connection. In addition to the ground cable on the negative battery terminal there is also a ground cable back to the negative ground bus in the converter. I am trying to decide how to install the smart shunt for the BMV 712 and it is raising some questions. It seems to me that two chassis grounds are incorrect so eliminating one of them would be best but...the converter ground is in a more weatherproof part of the chassis and is well protected with no corrosion, but at the rear of the trailer. Batteries are in the front with the other connection that should be eliminated and is pretty corroded anyway. How could I install the smart shunt properly in this situation?

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1 Answer
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

It goes between the house battery and any other connection. The load side goes to ground. Physical location is up to you, provided it's properly protected.

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
And cable sizes adequate
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Ground, earth and electrical safety

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