Good Day,
System consists of Freedom 30/24.
A CCGX - Firmware 2.73
CCGX was automatically programmed by the Freedom Won BMS with required parameters. DVCC was forced ON by the Freedom BMS.
2 x 48/5000 Multiplus in parallel. Running Firmware 478 - Multiplus configured for Freedom Won
1 x antique 150/70 V.E Can MPPT - not connected to the CCGX - programmed with Freedom requirements connected to DC bus bars. Has DC system was activated so the CCGX is aware of another piece of equipment with no communication.
1 x 150/100 Blue Smart CC - new. Connected via V.E. Direct to CCGX. Running firmware 3.07.
The 150/100 is the problem. As seen from the screen shot - Historical data attached there are some days that the unit does not charge at all. The unit is on and controlled externally. There is no charge current produced.
The battery over the same time period is slowly discharging even though it should be receiving a charge from the MPPT. No AC supplied during this time.
The problem is the MPPT 150/100 is not starting up. Unit goes to sleep at night time and does not wake up in the morning. All parameters appear normal.
Any ideas.
15th Nov - 3 days of no start up in the morning
14th Nov. No start up