
Rory Larkan avatar image
Rory Larkan asked

MPPT Blue Solar 150/100 not starting on some days.

Good Day,


System consists of Freedom 30/24.

A CCGX - Firmware 2.73

CCGX was automatically programmed by the Freedom Won BMS with required parameters. DVCC was forced ON by the Freedom BMS.

2 x 48/5000 Multiplus in parallel. Running Firmware 478 - Multiplus configured for Freedom Won

1 x antique 150/70 V.E Can MPPT - not connected to the CCGX - programmed with Freedom requirements connected to DC bus bars. Has DC system was activated so the CCGX is aware of another piece of equipment with no communication.

1 x 150/100 Blue Smart CC - new. Connected via V.E. Direct to CCGX. Running firmware 3.07.

The 150/100 is the problem. As seen from the screen shot - Historical data attached there are some days that the unit does not charge at all. The unit is on and controlled externally. There is no charge current produced.

The battery over the same time period is slowly discharging even though it should be receiving a charge from the MPPT. No AC supplied during this time.

The problem is the MPPT 150/100 is not starting up. Unit goes to sleep at night time and does not wake up in the morning. All parameters appear normal.

Any ideas.



1636969217639.png1636969299458.png15th Nov - 3 days of no start up in the morning


14th Nov. No start up


mppt charging
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5 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

Why do you have an mppt on the bus which is not connected to the GX?

That won't be helping matters, along with the "has DC system".

Connect it to the spare CAN port and avoid some headaches.

If you isolate the 150/70 and disable the has DC bus, does the new mppt start producing?

What are the voltages at the mppt terminals and how does this compare to the battery charge voltage?

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JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi @Rory Larkan

Thanks for the call, but a setup like this isn't in my comfort zone. And the history suggests it's all new and the issue has been there sporadically from the start. Called your installer? Or is it diy?

I guess you've seen this..

Really hard to troubleshoot something like this remotely, and locally it's usually a matter of rechecking all the recommended settings. A reboot of the GX is worth a try after fiddling with wires/settings.

Keep us informed of your progress, and the more detail you give will help prompt ideas from all..

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Rory Larkan avatar image
Rory Larkan answered ·


Thanks for the reply

The system in question has been running since 2011.

Through the years there has been equipment replacement.

The MPPT on the bus that is not connected to the CCGX is a 2011 150/70 V.E. Can (original Victron Charge controller). It is not possible to interface the antique 150/70 V.E.CAN with a CCGX when a Freedom Lithium battery is in the system. Freedom Can Bus operates at 500kbps the old 150/70 operates at 250kbps.

I have often used Has DC system when there are alternators or other chargers that do not communicate with a GX device.

I have isolated the old 150/70 and turned off the Has DC system. Did not help. Unfortunately this seems to be an intermittent problem.

The voltage at the 150/100 CC on the battery side (55.46)(0Amps) are the same as the battery irrespective of whether the unit is charging or not.

The voltage at the PV side107.8.



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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ commented ·

The MPPT's track a battery setpoint which determines when they will throttle or not, so if the DC bus voltage has reached this setpoint they will throttle or remain "asleep".

This is usually easy to test by adding load which will drag the voltage beneath the setpoint.

It really isn't easy diagnosing intermittent errors via a community forum, it would be good to get someone to check all the connections etc to make sure something hasn't gone wrong with time.

Also, there has been a lot of change to code in the last many years, so it's not impossible to be caught out by that.

As a matter of interest, which revision blue smart mppt do you have (it will list it under device list in vrm. For example:


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kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

What's providing the external control? Guess that's not turning it on.

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Rory Larkan avatar image Rory Larkan commented ·

External control is the Freedom Won BMS and the Multiplus.



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Rory Larkan avatar image
Rory Larkan answered ·

Hi @JohnC,

Thanks for the reply.

The installation is old I did it in 2011.

What is new is the Freedom Won 30/24 in place of LA batteries. I also replaced the MPPT Blue Smart CC 150/70. I have had the unit not charge on 3 days.

I am still trying to find the fault. The PV isolator has been replaced. The unit has been completely disconnected and reconnected. This did help. Swithcing off the PV isolator does not seem to help.

The unit needs to be completely powered down and re-powered.

I know the unit works.

I will try a CCGX reboot next time this happens.

The intriguing thing is I have not seen this on other installations with DVCC and Freedom Won batteries.



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