
g450 avatar image
g450 asked

Multiplus 3000 12v 230V temp LED flashing by loads above 1000W

Connecting 1500W load to it will bring the temperature LED to flashing immediately and after about 1 min the temp light will be on continuously and Multiplus will stop functioning. The temperature of the unit however remains cool.With lesser loads, it functions continuously .
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2 Answers
boekel avatar image
boekel answered ·

If the unit is not in a very hot environment, I'd contact service department for repair / warranty.

just to make sure: the overload led is not flashing?

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g450 avatar image g450 commented ·

Confirmed, the overload LED is not flashing.

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boekel avatar image boekel ♦ g450 commented ·

Then contact your distributor for warranty service.

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g450 avatar image g450 boekel ♦ commented ·

Unfortunately, warranty is no more....

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boekel avatar image boekel ♦ g450 commented ·

I've had old units repaired for 'normal' (very affordable) prices here in the Netherlands, maybe you have a Victron service center somewhere close by?

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geomz avatar image
geomz answered ·

My Multi started doing that (actually had been doing a variant of it for a long time). The temps were perfectly fine (I had two wireless thermometers on two points on the case. And it would eventually stop raising the error and behave itself.

It continued doing that for about a year more (eventually getting worse) before it died completely in one last glorious "overload" (inverting a whole whopping 225 watts!) and oh yeah, it dead-shorted my batteries over and over and over and over again as it tried to "wake up".

I was not a very happy Victron customer at that point, especially considering it was 6 months out of warranty by that point.

Thank God my BMS kept cutting out the batteries every time that ####er did that, otherwise my out of pocket for this issue would've been astounding.

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g450 avatar image g450 commented ·

Thanks for sharing Geomz!

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