this might be interesting to some of you. I wrote a simple service which polls data from the Tesla Wall Box (EV Charger, TWC3) and puts the data on dbus.
It will emulate 2 devices:
1) An AC Charger devices (based on the example in the repository) which will make the data show up on the "Remote Console".
2) To make the charging state and speed also show on VRM, it creates a fake temperature device with the current state of charging.
Source code is on github: https://github.com/trixing/venus.dbus-twc3
Given the TWC3 doesn't allow control of charging speed or state, there is no control possible. Higher level integration, e.g. controlling inverter based on EV presence could be implemented in a separate dbus service, I might be able to share an example of this in the future.
Hope this is useful to some. It also can serve as a good template for other chargers.