
fenix avatar image
fenix asked

VRM ID portal venus on a OLD RaspberryPI


i am doing a new (V.2.73) installing on a OLD RaspberryPI that i used in the past for testing the Venus

Step i did so far:

i format a new SD card

Burn the image

Start the RPI

I see the new RPI on my phone the under the Device List

I see the VRM ID

i try to enter that number on the portal my having an error "VRM ID could not be found"

is it possible that the VRM is assign to the RPI?

Any help would be appreciated


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1 Answer
Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

VictronConnect uses bluetooth to get some information about a GX device via bluetooth.

If you don't see a line item for REMOTE CONSOLE then the PI isn't connected to the internet.

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fenix avatar image fenix commented ·

II see the remote console button.. it when I try to enter the crm I’d that I got the error

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