
Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem suggested

GuiMods (was GuiMods2 replaces GuiMods)

Note: GuiMods2 is obsolete.

GuiMods has been updated to include all the GuiMods features.

Please use GuiMods, not GuiMods2

I have updated the flow overview page in GuiMods, creating GuiMods2.

GuiMods used the simplified "Hub Overview". It included some details for each tile, however many components of the system were left off, combined with others or created display issues. GuiMods did not prevent the system switching to the "Grid Parallel Overview" which caused my enhancements to disappear.

GuiMods2 uses the more complete Grid Parallel Overview for all systems so that all components can be displayed properly. Only total system power and a gauge is shown for each tile. All tiles are shown with those that aren't active dimmed. Looks like this:screen-shot-enhanced-flow.png

Details appear on a full-screen page by tapping the center of the tile. Here's the inverter detail:screen-shot-inverter-detail.pngThe Inverter Detail includes inverter mode buttons. The AC input detail includes current limit buttons. Others are status only.

The PV inverter and charger details include a complete list of all contributors to the total. (In GuiMods, space was available for only 2 or 3 contributors.)

GuiMods2 uninstalls GuiMods since they can't both exist on the same system. I'm leaving GuiMods up but will not get future updates

If interested, please check out the new versions and provide comments on the GitHub repo (or here).

Venus OS
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llubi avatar image
llubi commented

Thank you so much for all your effort!! I’ll be testing it ASAP!

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dsfas9 avatar image
dsfas9 commented

8195b9a3-50d0-4af8-9792-53ac688dc8ac.jpeg@Kevin Windrem
thanks on working on v2. How do you hide some elements? Looks like there are issues with automatic update.

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem commented ·
GuiMods2 won't automatically update from GuiMods. You need to manually install it. Probably the easiest way to do this is to run /data/SetupHelper/setup and choose the p option (manually install packages).
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dsfas9 avatar image dsfas9 Kevin Windrem commented ·

I did manually install GuiMods2, but it still lists guimods (that was automatically removed).

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dsfas9 avatar image dsfas9 commented ·


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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem dsfas9 commented ·

I had originally made the inactive tiles invisible but it made the screen look empty in strange ways. I thought it might be better to dim them so there wouldn't be empty space.

It sounds like you'd like them to be completely invisible. I might need to make this an option. Comments?

As a test, you can make the inactive tiles completely invisible by editing /opt/victronenergy/gui/qml/OverviewGridParallel.qml and setting disabledTileOpacity to 0.0.

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dsfas9 avatar image dsfas9 Kevin Windrem commented ·
Since I don't have PV, these are no use for me and 'hide' option would be great.
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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem dsfas9 commented ·
A "hide inactive tiles" option would leave white space on the screen. Is that better?
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dsfas9 avatar image dsfas9 Kevin Windrem commented ·

I believe it will be better as it won't be covering screen with tiles that are not useful for my setup. Can tiles be vertically center on the screen? I think it's ok to leave temperature and tank tiles on the bottom.

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dsfas9 avatar image dsfas9 Kevin Windrem commented ·
I also preferred prior implementation of turning inverter on/off from clicking on it, currently it involves an extra step.
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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem dsfas9 commented ·
Are you referring to the need to return to the main flow screen after changing the inverter mode? Otherwise, it's the same as the flow in GuiMods (1).

I didn't like the Mobile Overview functionality where you step through inverter modes then wait for it to take affect. I don't know how many times I missed the mode I wanted and had to go around again only to miss it again...

I suppose I could dismiss the details screen after changing the mode but thought that wouldn't be good since other things are shown in the detail. You might want to leave the inverter details page up depending on what you are doing.

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dsfas9 avatar image dsfas9 Kevin Windrem commented ·

Yes, I find it was easier to change state of inverter on the main screen (never had any issues with missing correct state) as that screen shows all other parameters, now there is a need to go to additional screen and then go back to to check status of everything. I am running Phoenix Inverter btw.

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Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem commented

I have addressed the issues above in v4.1:

GuiMods2 version is now shown. The update actually occurred (if you have SetupHelper v2.11). It just wasn't shown in the menu.

AC Input Detail and Inverter Detail automatically return to flow page when changing current limit/inverter mode

Inactive tiles are completely hidden. There is no option for hide/dim as I suggested above.

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dsfas9 avatar image dsfas9 commented ·

656490c2-1a4a-4295-a5c5-be2f0469439e.pngThank you very much!

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dsfas9 avatar image
dsfas9 commented

28b97573-439c-4e08-be21-c863a1b0e19c.pngKevin, can background color be changed to white? Can addition L2 and L3 be hidden for inverters that are missing those legs?

Thanks in advance!

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem commented ·

I hid the phase columns that aren't active. The space remains but the column is blank.

As far as changing the background color: I tried white and it just seemed too bright.

I did make it easy to change: in /opt/victronenergy/gui/qml/OverviewGridParallelEnhanced.qml change the property


a value of "white" would work or as would any other HTML color.

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dirkmuc avatar image
dirkmuc commented

Hello @Kevin Windrem

Just installed the new mod. Works great on my Venus 2.80~17 large 21.

Thank you for your great work!


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Roger Parker avatar image
Roger Parker commented

Kevin I like your work, you've done wonders for us with the information you're getting out of this. Just for some more input and a second opinion I would rather have the tiles still show even if they aren't showing any info, I think it just balances out the whole display better. I would also like it if we could each configure the background color ourselves so that some of us can reduce the night blindness with the white background. I would be ok with just instructions on what files to edit to get the darker color, I like the darker color myself. Just my 2 cents worth. Thanks again for your work.

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem commented ·

Seems there's a difference of opinion on showing/dimming/hiding inactive tiles. I agree that the screen looks more balanced with the inactive tiles in place. I originally dimmed them but others didn't like that and were actually confused by a tile that didn't do/show anything. I'll consider a preference. Do you thing hide/dim is good enough or can you make a case for full intensity inactive tiles?

For now, there is a line in /opt/victronenergy/gui/qml/OverviewGridParallel.qml that you can change to control the amount of dimming of inactive tiles:

    property real disabledTileOpacity: 0

0 makes them invisible, 1 makes them full intensity. I used 0.3 to dim them.

I'm not sure where the white color comes from. It appears to be a default from somewhere. You can override this for the enhanced flow overview by placing the following lines in /opt/victronenergy/gui/qml/OverviewGridParallelEnhanced.qml just below the

Overview Page { 


    // background
            fill: parent
        color: "#cccccc"

Those lines will generate a light gray but you can make them any color you want.

The details background color can also be set in that same file. Replace the color value in the following line to your liking:

    property color detailColor: "#b3b3b3"

I use this to generate a color value:

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Rob Duthie avatar image Rob Duthie Kevin Windrem commented ·
Hi Kevin

To clutted with used tiles on screen, may be put in a option in the Guimods to turn on or off if required to satisfy everyone out there,. with different systems.

Systems with grid tied inverters will look crowded.

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dsfas9 avatar image
dsfas9 commented

@Kevin Windrem ability to turn on/off inverter stopped working (nothing happens when I press on inverter) in v4.7, running phoenix inverter.

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem commented ·
Oops. Sorry. v4.9 is up now and should fix that. It's been one of those days.
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Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem commented

I added a preference to control the visibility of inactive tiles on the flow overview.

Your choices are: Hide, Show Dimmed (default), Show Full

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Roger Parker avatar image
Roger Parker commented

@Kevin Windrem the ability to control the visibility of inactive tiles is perfect so we can choose our preference. Thanks so much!

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randyfehr avatar image
randyfehr commented

Wow. Just as I started snooping around the qml on my Venus, I stumble across this. Well done!

Now for the request. I will admit in advance that I'm being lazy here and have not exhaustively searched for an answer that perhaps already exists - so I'll apologize in advance if someone send me a link to a solution from elsewhere in this forum.

I, like many others, have 2 primary DC charging systems (and shore AC power to a MultiPlus): Solar PV, and the engine alternator - in my case via a pair of SterlingPower BB1260's. The BB1260's have a BMV712 shunt on their negative return (and I have a seperate BMS on my house batteries that owns SoC and total battery current). I can "see" PV and alternator current/power separately (via Victron Connect or the "devices" page) - but not conveniently. What I would like is to make the BMV712 appear as a separate DC charging source - like a second PV system on the overview page in VenusOS.

I imagine that having both PV and alternator charging is extremely common - so I suspect the request to see both on the overview/flow page would not exactly be new. What might be 'new' is the use of a BMV712 for this purpose (it's what I had on hand) - and the need to make it appear as something that it is not really intended for.

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem commented ·

This will require some work in other areas of the code. When that happens, I can add the specific device contributions to a DC System details page. Space on the overview page is limited so it may not be possible to provide separate tiles for these charging sources.

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hjohnson avatar image hjohnson Kevin Windrem commented ·
It sounds like support for Alternators may actually be coming. I asked the folks at Wakespeed whether it was worth wiring in a shunt between the engine and my battery (to measure alternator current), and they did mention that Victron was looking at adding that information eventually.
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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem hjohnson commented ·
Part of the code is in place. The system recognizes alternator and other DC charging sources like the Wakespeed DC-DC stuff and these appear in the device list. What has yet to be done is incorporate that into the system calculations so things like the DC System power is correct. Additional tiles in the flow overviews would also be needed and those would need to take over space from other devices like PV inverters.
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randyfehr avatar image randyfehr Kevin Windrem commented ·
Of course support for CANbus devices like Wakefield would be great - but a more generic means of assigning a shunt (or other generic power meter) to a category would be awesome. Given the scarce screen real estate, a single “DC Chargers” tile with perhaps up to 3 line items would IMO cover most needs (in my case, voltage/current/power for PV and Alt).
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harmvic avatar image
harmvic commented

Sir I installed 2.84 in the Cerbo and then guimods venus-data.tar using a USB stick.

ESS is not working anymore and BMS kicked in : ESS#3. Voltage over 52

In VE configure was: absorbtion 51,7V

Normally the cerbo gave 95% soc.

How to fixe this?

Did anyone else used gui mods in combination with ESS?

What did I forget?

Why is DVCC forced ON?

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem commented ·

GuiMods does not does not change any system settings, including DVCC. And it should play well with ESS. It is an enhancement to the GUI, noting more.

What version of GuiMods did you install?

For a while, I was including a venus-data.tgz file in GuiMods but that's no longer included. Use the blind install mechanism in SetupHelper:

Then use PackageManager to install GuiMods.

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harmvic avatar image harmvic Kevin Windrem commented ·
I think everything went wrong because "someone" forced DVCC to ON.

GuiMods worked fine.

I was confused that the battery started "over"charging.

I had a limit at 95% and and voltage 51,7, no DVCC chosen, that worked for 1 month very well.

After update and installing GuiMods it charged to over 52V and 100%.

That is / was the problem.

I think update from 2,72 to 2,84 polluted everything by installing DVCC with no correct settings. GuiMods is V5,19

Thanks for answering.

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harmvic avatar image harmvic harmvic commented ·
The forced ON for VDCC was indeed the problem, not the guimods.

The ESS settings customers made in VE Config are overruled by the VDCC.

Is there a page where Victron writes down what has been changed by every update?

I don't like surprises like this.

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dereppsteiner avatar image
dereppsteiner commented

Hello Kevin,

i love your work
I have a big request, maybe a new project?
is it possible to change the gas level indicator ? I use the indicator via bluetooth from MOPEKA. this works very well with the app on the smartphone. is it possible to integrate this device into your gui mod, similar to Ruuvi?  *** PLEASE*** 
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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem commented ·
I believe someone else is working on integrating the Mopeka sensors into Venus OS. Once that happens and the data is on dbus, it should show up as a tank in the GUI even on the mobile overview without GuiMods.
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orianda avatar image
orianda commented

Hi Kevin big Thanks for your work.

Is there a way to display the humidity from the Ruuvi sensors in addition to the temperature? In the Ruuvi mod they are displayed.

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem commented ·
It is on my to-do list.
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pyemarine avatar image
pyemarine commented

Hi Kevin

Is there a way to add Pass-Through mode to the Inverter/Charger details ?

Currently I only know of using Victron Configure from a PC with MK3-USB which is a pita to do.

Thank you for all your amazing work. I am enjoying it.

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djbower1 avatar image
djbower1 commented

Hiya, Is there any way to show the status of Digital Inputs? I use the inputs for fan and heater statuses and it would be nice to see them at a quick glance.

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smart-marine avatar image
smart-marine commented

Hello, i have a cerbo installation with no inverter but only tanks and battery monitor, i use the energy meter ET112 and i need to view the shore power measurements through the display but it is only showing Watts on output. Can i view this information with the Mods?


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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem commented ·
I am not sure. Have you tried GuiMods?

According to the systemcalc code, the input power is populated if there is a grid meter but I have no way to test it.

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Russell Grant avatar image
Russell Grant commented

Hi Kevin, thanks for your work, your scripts have been a real help. I wonder if I could make a feature request for GuiMods, as the one thing I haven't been able to accomplish is showing the starter battery voltage in the gui (from aux input of Smartshunt). Quite surprised it's not already possible in Venus by default. Cheers

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derrick thomas avatar image derrick thomas commented ·

@Kevin Windrem I would second this request

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sirko avatar image
sirko commented
Hello, I would like to know if it is possible to display a second shunt in Gui Mods mode?
I installed 2 x shunts and display 4 x voltage
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Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem commented

The DC Coupled and AC Coupled flow overviews display information for more devices such as alternator, wind generator, etc. The shunts need to be programed as a DC Meter of a type shown on the overview page.

GuiMods does not display the second voltage connected to the shunt.

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marioh64 avatar image
marioh64 commented


After I updated the firmware of the Cerbo GX from 2.87 to 2.92 today, the Package Manager is gone. However, the GuiMods interface is still available. Also trying to reinstall the "venus-data.tgz" file doesn't bring the package manager back. What could be the reason?


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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem commented ·

By "gone" do you mean the menus don't exist or does the menu say "PackageManager not running"?

What version of SetupHelper are you running? Is your venus-data.tgz up to date?

Can you ssh into Cerbo and get to the logs?

tail -40 /data/log/SetupHelper | tai64nlocal

tail -40 /data/log/PackageManager/current | tai64nlocal

If you can revert to Venus OS v2.87 and PackageManager returns, you can dump the log files using PackageManager's Backup and Restore option the post the logs to the SetupHelper GitHub issues page.

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marioh64 avatar image
marioh64 commented

With V2.87 I have this view in the display (see picture) and in the settings the entry "Package Manager". I am very satisfied with that. Now I had made a firmware update to V2.92, the view in the display remains the same, only the entry "Package Manager" is missing in the settings. Now I copied the latest version of "Venus-data.tgz from here to a USB stick, connected it to the Cerbo GX and restarted it, but nothing happens there, the "Package Manager" remains gone. I hope with the Google translator is it so understandable?



Bildschirm­foto 2022-11-14 um 17.28.43.png

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Philip avatar image
Philip commented


Guimods doesn't want to install on 2.90~4. On others versions of Venus works fine.


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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem commented ·
This is a beta version of Venus OS and should no longer be used on your system. Upgrading to a released version is highly recommended.

It is currently not possible to add support for v2.90~4 since that version is no longer available from which to build a file set. GuiMods should work with the released versions v2.90, v2.91, v2.92 and the beta v3.00~4. Older RELEASED versions back to v2.66 are also supported.

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iainsommerville avatar image
iainsommerville commented

Thanks for the good work on this - particularly adding the electric motor tile. Do you know of any motor controllers supported by Venus other than the Piktronic/Sevcon service added by Oceanvolt? Was wondering which one you were using

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem commented ·
I added the motor drive code at the request of a system integrator. I don't know which motor drive their client used.
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hbo-electrical-contractors avatar image
hbo-electrical-contractors commented

Hallo Kevin
This looks like a ton of work that you did!

I would like to know if it would be possible to have a screen to change the Programmable Relay Assistant settings?
We have it set up to control the On / Off status for the AC2 Output on a Quattro like this, and the client may need to change the Set Point Values, or force AC2 Out On/Off.

(As far as I know these can only be changed using VeConfig?)

Assistant Use AC-Out 2 Relay Action
Set Relay On or Off
Switch Condition Set Point Details
Programmable Relay Yes Off SOC % SOC lower than 50%

Programmable Relay (1) Yes On AC Input Any AC = Available for 120 sec

or SOC % SOC higher than 60%

Is this something that can be done and still have the normal icons on the Overview page and Generator Page, but custom Tiles Page like the screen shots below?
I have included a button to set the ESS %

(Please just let me know if this would be possible, then I can talk to our client)

Thank you in advance.


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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem commented ·
No, it is not possible to change things set in veconfig as there is no dbus access to them. Sorry
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juf avatar image
juf commented


thx for your great work amazing.
is it possible get this view?

view.jpgI like see the ax load and the grid.


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seanmotta avatar image
seanmotta commented

Good evening,

I'm brand new to the Cerbo and just got GUIMODS up and running. Incredible!

Three questions

Alternator shows 0W. What do I need to do to understand what the actual alternator is putting out? I have a BMV-712 with shunt at the main DC negative bus. Do I need to/can I just add a second smart shunt in line with just the alternator and set a data source somewhere?

Is it possible to show the voltage of the starter battery? I saw a post where someone did it, but not what code I would need to change. I am a coding novice.

On the alternator, if you tap it it shows speed, but not engine speed. If you go to devices it shows the engine speed, but this takes significantly more navigating. would it be possible to have the engine speed shown on the alternator details page as well as/instead of the alternator speed?

Amazing product - thanks so much for your efforts


Shazaam! J/42 #50

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem commented ·
Yes, you can program a smart shunt or BMV-712 as a DC Meter then Alternator as a device type. Connect it to the SYSTEM/Load side of the main battery shunt. The BATTERY side of the DC meter shunt goes towards the battery.

While it may look like there is space on the battery tile for additional parameters, it is actually full as is. Others have customized the code to create custom tiles. The code is in /opt/victronenergy/gui/qml/OverviewHub.qml for the screen you show.

You can use dbus-spy on the command line to browse the dbus parameter tree and locate the service/parameter path you want to add. Then look at code for a suitable example.

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derrick thomas avatar image
derrick thomas commented

@Kevin Windrem I have found a few problems when updating to Venus os 3.00-32

1: generator overview page...clicking on the button to enable/disable auto start causes a rapid non-stop toggling back and forth between enabled and disabled. This can only be stopped by rebooting the cerbo. Toggling the enable/disable auto start from within the settings menu still functions properly, the problem only seems to occur when toggling from the generator overview page.

2: package manager16811836995334704556076196880221.jpg...the install button appears to be in the wrong place and has some extra characters in it. Trying to click the install button does nothing. Clicking download button will complete downloading the package but then returns to the same screen.

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem commented ·
I can not duplicate the issue with the generator enable/disable. What version of GuiMods are you running? v7.21 is the latest released version but also have a beta version v7.30~12 if you want to try that. If so, set the branch/tag for GuiMods to "beta".

I had the problem with the buttons on the package edit menu moving around some versions ago but thought I'd fixed it. What version of SetupHelper are you running? v4.38 is the latest.

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derrick thomas avatar image derrick thomas Kevin Windrem commented ·

Running latest version on both. Weirdly enough I was able to reproduce the auto start toggle issue multiple times earlier today but tried again after your comment and was not able to, but once I rebooted the cerbo I was able to again. I will look into this one a little more and see if I can figure out what combination of things causes the issue.

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derrick thomas avatar image derrick thomas Kevin Windrem commented ·
it appears that the autostart toggling issue may have been related to changes to the victron nodes in node red in this beta. I have a toggle on my node red dashboard for the autostart and it looks like the victron node was sending updates so rapidly it was causing the toggling loop. I made a few changes to the dashboard flow and it seems to have fixed the issue. I will keep messing with it to make sure it doesnt return.
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derrick thomas avatar image derrick thomas commented ·

@Kevin Windrem I have found a few more issues with 3.00-32. ac input detail tile is partly off screen now, and ac output detail tile does not come up when you click on the gui tile.


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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem derrick thomas commented ·
Thanks for the report and sorry for the problem.

Should be fixed in v7.31 available now

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derrick thomas avatar image derrick thomas Kevin Windrem commented ·
Working now, thanks! You're always right on the ball. Much appreciated.
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simon-5 avatar image
simon-5 commented

Hi @Kevin Windrem I've just added guimods which is amazing and noticed the ability to set the generator running state via a digital input if it has been started externally. Would it also be possible to set the generator status to running if it was started using the generator panel by detecting if there is a voltage on the generator AC input of the multiplus? This would save me from running more wires back from the generator to the Cerbo digital input.

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem commented ·
I had originally looked into this but not sure why I did not include it. I'll look at it again.
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simon-5 avatar image simon-5 Kevin Windrem commented ·
If you are open to enhancement requests it would be nice to have a button on the generator screen to manually start the generator and run it until the battery was at 100%. It's a very niche use case but would be great if it existed
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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem simon-5 commented ·
GuiMods 7.40 is available now that adds this generator functionality:

The generator AC input can provide generator running status with some limitations. A Multi only has one AC input and grid/generator switching is upstream if it. So generator running status is not provided when on grid. Alternatively, an energy meter can be fitted to the generator AC output and this should provide status to the GX device. The digital input is still the preferred way to communicate generator running status to the GX device.

Manual start / auto stop has been added. Scrolling down past the start manually selection in the Manual Start tile in the generator overview shows "Run until: all auto stop conditions are met". If accepted, the generator auto start/stop logic looks for any stop conditions that are NOT satisfied yet and if found, starts the generator. The start conditions are ignored. So if the SOC start is 30% and stop if 90% with a current SOC of 60% then the generator WILL start and run until SOC reaches 90%. If the current SOC is 95% the generator would not start since the stop condition is already satisfied.

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rock2ya avatar image
rock2ya commented

@Kevin Windrem i made a seperate topic about your guimods 2 days ago - shall i move the question here to make the topic stick together, as it refers to the AC Tiles.

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem commented ·
It's actually best to post questions like this to the issues area of the GitHub repo. I may not see posts to this forum.

I've read over your request and this is a page I have not modified in any way. I'm not inclined to undertake it at this time.

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frank-ster avatar image
frank-ster commented

i'm having incomplete file set when trying to install gui mods on a cerbo with v3.00-37 firmware
i tried with the shh route also and same issue any idea ?

nstalling PackageManager service

waiting for PackageManager service to start

waiting for PackageManager service to start

waiting for PackageManager service to start

service PackageManager running

adding SetupHelper/setup to reinstallScriptsList

Restart the GUI now (y) or issue a do it manually later (n): y

restarting GUI ...

root@einstein:~# wget -qO - | tar -xzf - -C /data

root@einstein:~# mv /data/GuiMods-current /data/GuiMods

root@einstein:~# /data/GuiMods/setup

--- starting setup script v7.41

creating file set for v3.00~37

ERROR v3.00~37 no replacement file

ERROR v3.00~37 no replacement file

ERROR v3.00~37 PageGenerator.qml no replacement file

ERROR v3.00~37 PageSettingsGenerator.qml no replacement file

ERROR: incomplete file set for v3.00~37 - can't continue


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derrick thomas avatar image
derrick thomas commented

@Kevin Windrem hey Kevin I don't know if you saw the comment on github but guimods is not installing on 3.00~37. it says file set incomplete.

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Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem commented

Yes, saw this. Victron made a major change to the generator control logic to include warm-up and cool-down periods. I need some time to test my enhancements with these new changes.

Please be patient.

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Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem commented

v7.42 should install on v3.00~37.

Let me know if you experience problems, especially functionality with the new generator logic that includes warm-up and cool-down.

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Philip avatar image
Philip commented

Just a next wish to Guimods:
I would really appreciate if it would be possible to have a layout :
- stock version
- added temperatures
- added remaining on battery

The "Guimods Simple" is almost OK but:
- moves the non-AC-coupled on-grid PV Inverter to right as if it is AC-Coupled, this not OK
- for me it's many numbers changing constantly on the Grid and AC loads, I think amps and voltage of the grid showing all the time is too much, only Watts are OK.
Photoshoped wish:


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jetlag avatar image
jetlag commented

I saw there is an Gui Mods update in the package manager and started the installation but had also the problem that it was shown as incomplete.

Then tried to uninstall the Gui Mods completely and tried to install it new, now the version 7.50 can't be installed at all, now there is a note saying "incompatible ???".

Is there a possiblity to get the e.g. the version 7.2 back?

And many thanks for the great work Kevin!

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem commented ·

v7.50 should be compatible. Which firmware version are you running?

There is a v7.51 available now.

One of the reasons a package might report "incompatible" is if changes to files the package modifies have been modified by other third party. You can try reinstalling Venus OS: switch to the stored backup, then do another online update to the current version.

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jetlag avatar image jetlag Kevin Windrem commented ·
My Venus OS version is 3.00~4.

So far I can't see the 7.51 in the package manager.

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derrick thomas avatar image
derrick thomas commented

@Kevin Windrem I opened an issue to your GitHub for guimods and revisited a previous issue for exttransferswitch.

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem commented ·
Should now be fixed. GuiMods v7.66, ExtTransferSwitch v3.15, SetupHelper v4.42.
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Lars Filusch avatar image
Lars Filusch commented

file set incomplete, updating from 7.74 to 7.78

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem commented ·

What Venus OS version are you running?

Try reinstalling GuiMods with a fresh download from GitHub (or USB stick).

Try reinstalling Venus OS (firmware). Switch to the backup version then use the online update to reinstall the current (or latest version).

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Lars Filusch avatar image Lars Filusch Kevin Windrem commented ·
Large 3.10~16

ill give it a try to reinstall GuiMods

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Lars Filusch avatar image Lars Filusch Kevin Windrem commented ·
Fully uninstalled GuiMods then reboot, still the error.
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Lars Filusch avatar image Lars Filusch Kevin Windrem commented ·


started the setup from console

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1691779977088.png (214.2 KiB)
Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem Lars Filusch commented ·
Please upgrade to the latest Venus OS large.
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Lars Filusch avatar image Lars Filusch Kevin Windrem commented ·
any chances to get this going without updating Venus?

i have done a lot modifications, updating and migration takes some time and now guilds is complete uninstalled.

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem Lars Filusch commented ·

You can force GuiMods to a previous version that has support for v3.10~16. That would probably be the previous version. To do this, go to the PackageManager / Active packages / GuiMods and change the branch/tag to the specific version you want (v7.74 in this case).

If that doesn't work, try the one before that.

Then when you upgrade Venus, don't forget to set the branch/tag back to latest.

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Lars Filusch avatar image Lars Filusch Kevin Windrem commented ·
back to business!


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Glen avatar image
Glen commented

Good Morning ,

it is possible to add a Switch for "Hotkeys disabled ( Remote Console )" ?

every Time i upgraded Venus i had to reaktivate this Setting =


i think it must be possible to switch from one styles.css(orginal) to "improved" styles.css with only a rename and copy Solution added in Guimods ?

Regards Glen

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Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem commented

As part of the GUI, GuiMods has no access to the file system which would be required to replace the .css file.

What you could do is write a shell script to check the file and if necessary replace it with the improved one. That script can then be called from /data/rc.local or /data/rcS.local. Anything in /data is preserved through a Venus OS firmware upgrade.

Make sure if one of these files exists, that you add your code to the existing one. If the file does not exist then just create a new one with your code.

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kocki avatar image
kocki commented

GuiMods not working on Cerbo GX Firmware Update v3.30.

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fguiot avatar image
fguiot commented

I have opened VenusOS v3.30 support issue #243 on GitHub with the details on error message.

I don't think this is specific to Cerbo GX, but I'm also on a Cerbo

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kocki avatar image
kocki commented

It's working again:
GuiMods 10.17
SetupHelper 7.9

Issue can be closed.



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