On beta VRM we've added an option today that allows balancing your batteries periodically, while running Dynamic ESS. Balancing is keeping the batteries charged for 100% for a period of time to extend the longevity of the batteries. This is mainly useful during the times where the battery doesn't reach full charges frequently, which is typical during winter and the months surrounding that.
The system searches for the most optimal (most cheap) moment to do a full charge and leave the SOC at 100% for a few hours. At the moment that is set to 7 hours, but we'll make that adjustable soon. Consult the documentation on the battery on how often you should balance them.
Other than that, you can find the configuration under the battery tab of the Dynamic ESS settings on beta VRM and you will need to run either one of the later beta versions of the GX software or version 3.33 (latest stable).
All feedback is appreciated.