
sectorsolar avatar image
sectorsolar asked

VRM Portal Access new Ownership

Good Day. Our client purchased house with Victron system installed, but they cannot get hold of previous owner to add them to the vrm portal to gain access to the system.

@Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) can you assist us to get our client access to their own system on vrm?

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Patrick avatar image Patrick commented ·
I am following this. I just sold my boat and would like to transfer ownership of the system to the new owner.
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jgreen avatar image jgreen Patrick commented ·

Hello Mr. @Pato,

If you are currently the portal admin of that installation, you can invite others and assign their respective access level with their email address, else you will need to contact/email your Victron Energy regional manager request for your access level to be updated to Admin.

By navigating the leftside vrm menu option dropdown list: Settings->Users-> select 'Invite user'->input the new invite, then update role to admin. The newbie can create their own profile via the link sent to their email.

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1 Answer
Patrick avatar image
Patrick answered ·

Ok. But I cannot delete myself from that unit as I see it.

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·

Just delete the installation from your account, the new owner can register it again with the VRM ID.


Or you invite the new owner with admin access and delete yourself after that.

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jgreen avatar image jgreen commented ·


Yes you can delete yourself once there is another user with role Admin. Once the other user has fully validated their account then you may proceed to removing your access to that installation. If you wanna delete your account altogether from VRM, then that's another matter which you'll need to contact Victron Energy about.

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