Hello all,
I've surfed around the community and found some useful stuff that has got me so far. I'm trying to hook up my Victron CCGX unit to my Azure IOT hub which natively speaks MQTT.
Most information so far has been gathered from: https://community.victronenergy.com/questions/6553/mqtt-only-see-system0serial.html?childToView=42997#answer-42997 - thankyou to all contributors.
So far I've adjusted the keepalive for dbus-mqtt in /service/dbus-mqtt/run and added a new .conf file for my azure iot hub. I've also updated /usr/sbin/start-mosquitto so that it loads my new .conf file from /data/conf/mosqitto/azure.conf
connection azure address <myhubname>.azure-devices.net:8883 cleansession true try_private false notifications false start_type automatic bridge_protocol_version mqttv311 bridge_tls_version tlsv1.2 bridge_insecure false remote_clientid <mydevicename> remote_username <myhubname>.azure-devices.net/<mydevicename>?api-version=2018-06-30 remote_password SharedAccessSignature sr=<myhubname>.azure-devices.net%2Fdevices%2F<mydevicename>&sig=<mysecretSASsignature>&se=1665882355 bridge_cafile /etc/ssl/certs/azureiot.pem topic P/<mydeviceid>/in/# in devices/<mydevicename>/messages/events/ "" topic P/<mydeviceid>/out/# out "" devices/<mydevicename>/messages/events/
In Azure I can see that the device is "connected" but I don't seem to receive any messages/topics. This may be an Azure issue but I thought I'd try here to see if I was doing anything stupid with the topics etc.
Thanks all!
Any help appreciated!