
piraya avatar image
piraya asked

How to shut down AC-OUT-2 in Quattro's Assist mode

When my Quattro 12/3000 is INVERTING, it deactivates AC-OUT-2 in order to save battery from heavy loads like heaters etc. But when Quattro is ASSISTING, which in fact is also inverting, it does NOT deactivate AC-OUT-2 even though the effect is the same. How can I make Quattro shut down AC-OUT-2 in assist mode?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
2 |3000

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piraya avatar image piraya commented ·

Besides, reading the Victron manual doesn't give the correct impression: "The load on AC-out-2 is disconnected immediately when the Quattro switches to battery operation." That is not correct in assist mode, which I would call a kind of "battery operation".

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harold avatar image harold commented ·
Do you have any 'Assistants' programmed?
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piraya avatar image piraya harold commented ·
Dont know, so probably not. No special programmed.
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2 Answers
Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

Update: This will NOT solve the OP's issue. In fact, this duplicates the default functionality. Please disregard.

Assist mode will get you through brief periods where the grid isn't capable of supporting the entire load. The batteries could be drained if the condition persists. This would be true for either of the AC outputs. But you can turn off the AC 2 output based on a programmable set of conditions including AC input absent.

You need VeConfig (a Windows only program) to set this up as VictronConnect does not deal with assistants.

  • Install "programmable relay" assistant
  • Select the AC 2 output relay
  • Select Set relay off
  • Select AC input
  • Include the Bulk protection and system failure options if approprite
  • Select any AC, not available for say 120 seconds (2 minutes)

You could also use SOC in the programming

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piraya avatar image
piraya answered ·

1. Thank you. Just to make sure you got me right, the problem is not when grid is lost, because then Quattro goes in Invert mode and cuts off AC-2 OUT. The problem is when grid is working fine but does not give enough, then Quattro goes in Assist mode and does not cut off AC-2 OUT. Say I have 10 amp shore power and use 20 amp AC for water heater and air con (both on AC-2 OUT), the batteries will be drained. In contrast to what was the sole intention for AC-2 OUT. But I guess your answer is still the same, that the only I can do is to set a cutout period?

2. In my case the problem is even more tricky: I have two extra Phoenix Smart IP43 Chargers 12/50 connected to AC-2 OUT in order to support the Quattro in charging (in order to fully utilize my 3kW generator). So even if I had the solution on question one, I would get repeating cycles of assisting and not assisting along with the AC-2 OUT was connected in and out. Hence, my optimal solution must be that Quattro keeps AC-2 OUT disengaged as long as the loads on AC-2 OUT will cause an assist mode, i.e. keeps AC-2 OUT disengaged as long as the combined loads on AC-1 OUT and AC-2 OUT is higher than shore supply. How can I achieve that?

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem commented ·
Why not connect your chargers to the grid/shore power ahead of the inverter. That eliminates the #2 issue.

Not ideal, but, I'd base AC2 output disable on:

AC load higher than a specified value

Battery SOC less than a specified value

The AC output will still function in assist mode until either of the criteria is met.

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