
alnavasa avatar image
alnavasa asked

Victron gx tank 140 as digital input

Could we see in the future the victron gx 140 (or another device) used to add extra digital inputs to a network? I don’t see a network with more than the four tanks that the cerbo comes with, but I see a installation with more than 4 digital inputs to monitor stuff.

I am not a technician but should be easy to do this right? to convert a tank monitor to a digital input, the other way around would be hard.

cerbo gx
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2 Answers
alnavasa avatar image
alnavasa answered ·

could this work?

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Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

I would like to see the Gx Tank 140 inputs made generic to support resistive as well as the now supported voltage and current sensors. This would require an external resistor but that's OK.

Supporting a digital signal should also be possible.

With these changes, a virtually unlimited number of tank, temperature and digital inputs could be supported.

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alnavasa avatar image alnavasa commented ·
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