
Simon Fey avatar image
Simon Fey asked

Compiling the Venus image

Hi Victrons, I am trying to compile your venus image v2.72 from source following the provided manual on github.

My image however lacks lots of packages in comparison to your provided downloadable image here:

There are 102 packages missing incl. vebus-system-config, vebus-updater, vecan-dbus, velib-tools, velib-canhw-socketcan just to name a few. Are they located in your meta-victronenergy-private repository?

I plan to create an image incl. some additional packages. Will this even work?

Venus OSRaspberry Pi
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3 Answers
jeroen avatar image
jeroen answered ·

Hi, they are indeed in meta-victronenergy-private, but they are available as binaries in the feed. You can try the following (untested):

  1. /opt/victronenergy/swupdate-scripts/ candidate
  2. opkg update
  3. opkg install packagegroup-ve-addons
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Simon Fey avatar image
Simon Fey answered ·

thanks! that actually worked. I might however end up doing it the other way around... -> flashing your official image and installing my packages with opkg install file.ipk

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rafl avatar image
rafl answered ·

Hi Jeroen, can I compiled venus os för Banana Pi M3? It has also ARM plattform

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