I've been lurking here for a while and find the idea of running Venus OS (large) on a Pi an attractive option. However, my reading of the history (and documentation) of this impressive project has left me a little bewildered since there are so many options, some of which may now be obsolete.
I have N2K on my boat and have decided to replace some of my ageing electrical installation (from another dutch company :/ ) with the following: Multiplus II (12/3000), 2 x smartsolar MPPT, Smartshunt. My existing LiFePO4 is already protected by my own design BMS which speaks N2k.
It seems that I need to buy a bunch of Ve.direct to USB adapters and a Ve.Bus adapter. For the N2K, its unclear, I assume an available Pi hat - is data flow bi-directional? Will Venus OS pick up my BMS N2K messages and use them or will it prefer the Smartshunt values? Will the smartshunt values make it to the N2K bus so I can use them in my BMS (for comparison and backup)?
Sorry for the variety of questions :) Looking forward to a positive discussion.
P.S. I'm switching my purchasing decision towards Victron due to the open sourcing of Venus. I'm very grateful and find it very freeing to know that I can integrate whatever I want into my system now rather than being stuck with the straighjacket of closed systems offered by competitors