
stephenh avatar image
stephenh asked

MultiPlus II Smart Dongle - no Bluetooth


I have a Multiplus II 24 3000 70 connected to 4 x 12V 120A gel batteries.

To monitor, I have bought a Smart Dongle and connected it according to the instructions in its manual.

I chose to use the Multiplus II's T-sense cable as the temperature sensor for the Dongle.

Once connected and plugged in to the RJ45 cable there are no lights at all on the Dongle.

Can anyone help me with some suggestions as to next steps?

Many thanks,


Multiplus-IIVE.Bus Smart Dongle
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3 Answers
mrhappy avatar image
mrhappy answered ·

I assume that you have also connected the dongle to the battery pack. If that is the case, check those cables, maybe with a multimeter at the smart dongle terminals (B+, B-) to double check that voltage reach the dongle.

If there is battery voltage there and the blue light does not start blinking, I would think you have a faulty unit, then take it back to the retailer for a new one.

If you have no voltage at the dongle terminals but the cables are correctly connected to the battery bank, check the inline fuse (if you have it) by screwing the fuse holder apart and take it out. Change the fuse if needed. If you do not have a fuse and no voltage reaching the dongle, try with other cables.

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stephenh avatar image
stephenh answered ·

Thanks for this, very, very helpful.

It is possible I have misunderstood the instructions but I have followed them as outlined here, where the temperature sensor replaces the positive connector for the dongle.

The only thing that doesn't make complete sense is that in the Multiplus II manual the temperature sensor should be attached to the negative terminal. In the Dongle manual, it says to attach it to the positive.

I will try again tomorrow, leaving out the T-sense cable, using only the Dongle cables.


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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·
The temperature sensor of the MultiPlus is not suitable for the VE.bus smart dongle.

There is a special one for that and this is written in the manual.

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stephenh avatar image stephenh Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·
Okay, thanks for this, I assumed (bad, I know) that they were the same part. I will disconnect it.

In that case, if I connect the T-sense directly to the Multiplus II will its data show in VictronConnect?

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stephenh avatar image stephenh Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·
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mrhappy avatar image mrhappy stephenh commented ·

As far as I know:The T-sense connected to the Multiplus-II is used internally to calculate temp compensation for battery charging and is not shown in VictronConnect. The temperature shown in the app is the Multiplus-II internal temp sensor.

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stephenh avatar image
stephenh answered ·

Thanks both, I connected the Dongle directly and it works..... firmware update done and I have all the info I need.

I will connect the T-sense tomorrow re charging temp compensation.

Thanks again.

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