My ststem has been working correctly for a while. Installed in spring 2020. Earlier this year I was annoyed that batteries did not fully charge, i then discovered a 0,3V diffrence betwern bmv and mppt readings. Since i have some headroom on battery voltage ( charging pck to 57,4V eith individual cells to 4,1V ) I upped charge limit voltages by 0,3V on my MPPT and have been happy with the hack.
Two days ago i noticed that the bmv connected to battery was showing 55,8V and the MPPT showed 57,2. suddenly very worried anout the large voltage diffrence I pulled out my voltmeter and measured on battery terminals on the MPPT. I was relieved to find out that both bmv and battery terminals on MPPT showed 55,8V so no large voltage drop with corresponding fire concern in my system. I am wondering though what to do about the erroneous voltage reading on the mppt?