
leigh avatar image
leigh asked

Which Controller?? Help please:-)

Hi all

I have a 12v system they are 2 x 12v @ 220ah so total of 440 ah on my boat.

I have been looking at the following panels and would like to install 2 or 3


Even after quite a bit of research and attempting to understand how to calculate it. I always end up with an extra unsure thought..

I have come to the conclusion that a reputable MPPT controller is key there for I decided on victron

So which MPPT controller would I need for 2 x these panels

And which if I get 3 of the above panels

Or is there a better scenario you could recommend.

Your help is greatly appreciated

mppt charging
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1 Answer
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi @Leigh

Try this calculator..

Those panels would work ok in Parallel into 12V batts. Or you could even do one (smaller) mppt for each panel if you had selective shading.

But have a play. Come back as you need.

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leigh avatar image leigh commented ·
Thanks, I entered the info into it before posting this but It would not let me add a battery float of 13,4v ..

Both panels are on the highest point of the boat and should have not shade.

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