
dave-hakkens avatar image
dave-hakkens asked

Multiplus output only if battery is full

hey Everyone

I have a Multiplus 2 with a Cerbo GX. We are offgrid without a generator.
We would like to heat up our boiler, but only after the battery is fully charged. So on our surplus energy

I've thought the "output 2" from the multiplus would do excactly this.
Use all additional energy if battery is charged. But it seems i got this wrong. And that that is only triggered when you have other electricity coming in (not solar but grid/generator)

If Grid/generator is on > use Output 2.
If only battery/solar comes in > don't use Output 2

I need
If battery is fully charged > use Output 2.
If battery is not charged > don't use Output 2

Am I correct to think I understood the feature of Output 2 wrong?
And does anyone know how to achieve this what we need?

Thanks a lot!


Optionally: In this video you can see our full setup

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3 Answers
mrhappy avatar image
mrhappy answered ·

It is actually both. The first you mentioned is the factory setting, but using VEConfigure you can add an assistant that controls AC Out 2 which disables it's pass-through-from-AC-in and send inverter power to it based on your conditions.

The assistant is "Programmable relay" and in it, select "Use ACOut 2 relay". One assistant for the ON condition and another assistant for the OFF condition. State of charge is a condition that you can use.

Remember that if you select more than one condition, they are used with an OR logic, so only one of them need to be met to activate the relay.

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pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

Another way people have done this is using the start/stop generator assistant. See

The link above has a link to another page.

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dave-hakkens avatar image
dave-hakkens answered ·

hey thanks for the replies. Didn't get a notification so only see it now! I'll dive a bit deeper into it

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