I`ve got an question about gridfailure and disabled Fronius PV- Inverter AC1- coupled.
My system: Multigrid 48/3000/35-50 with Venus GX and two connected Pylontech US2000 Plus. A BlueSolar 150/35 is DC- connected to the Multigrid. My Fronius Primo 3.0-1 is AC-1 connected to the output 1 of the Multigrid. The gridmeter is an ET340. All firmwares are up to date.
Today our grid in the village is running at APU by the energy supplier because of repair. They`re setting up the grid frequency to 51,7Hz for turning off all the PV`s in the village. The Multigrid detect a grid failure and disconnected to grid. At AC-1 output the frequency is 53,0Hz and the Fronius is switched off. Shouldn`t it use the Fronius energy to charge the batteries by Multigrids internal charger? What`s the reason of this reaction?