
kstyler avatar image
kstyler asked

Multiplus programmable relay

Hi I would like to use the programmable relay to signal my camper unit that the shore power plug is connected. Which relay mode would be best to send a 12v signal to the unit when shore power is connected and available? Best Kirsten

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5 Answers
Mark avatar image
Mark answered ·

I'm not sure what you mean by 'relay mode', but to control one of the MultiPlus relays based on the presence of AC input:

1- Load a programmable relay assistant

2- Select which relay to drive (refer to the manual appendix for the location of each relay):

3- Select the desired relay action (on or off):


4- Select 'AC Input' as the switch condition:


5- Select AC Input 'Available' or 'Not available' and the time delay.

6- Load a 2nd programmable relay assistant and repeat the process so that you have one to turn the relay on and another to turn it off.

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kstyler avatar image
kstyler answered ·

Thanks a lot. You description worked perfect for me.

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Mark avatar image Mark ♦♦ commented ·
Glad to hear - you are welcome.
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kstyler avatar image kstyler Mark ♦♦ commented ·

Hi Mark,

unfortunately my Multiplus does not switch from inverting to shore if connected to the shore power. Also my AC-Loads are accounted to the DC-Loads when connected to the shore power. Any ideas?


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kstyler avatar image
kstyler answered ·

But unfortunately now the Multiplus does not start chgarging and feeding power into the ac-out if I reconnect to the shore power again? Thanks Kirsten

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Matthew Walsh avatar image
Matthew Walsh answered ·

@Kstyler did you come right with this query?

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Juha Tuomala avatar image
Juha Tuomala answered ·

Is there a way to get relay driven from Cerbo and Home Assistant? By looking at the Multiplus Assistant settings, I started doubting it.

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blindbadger avatar image blindbadger commented ·
As far as I can tell, not easily (nor in any practical way). The only way to control a relay on the multiplus is to run wires out of a relay on the cerbo or home assistant to the aux ins on the multiplus and then use that input to control the multiplus relay through assistants within the multiplus.

At that point, seems easier to just wire up the connections to the cerbo relay directly.
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