
niwotchief avatar image
niwotchief asked

No Bluetooth on new SmartSolar 150/70

Out of the box SmartSolar 150/70 did not show up on VictronConnect device list. Under Product Info screen there is no Bluetooth Enabled switch. Device works with USB and VE.Direct Bluetooth Smart Dongles. None of these see the switch. All parings released and Apps stopped. No change. Is this thing defective?

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2 Answers
ejrossouw avatar image
ejrossouw answered ·

Just a couple of thoughts. Can you see the device when you search from the phone's bluetooth management screen? Maybe post a picture of the product or even better get your dealer to check the serial no to ensure it is a smart and not bluesolar. Have you updated the firmware?

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niwotchief avatar image
niwotchief answered ·

The device does not show up on iPhone Bluetooth Devices. SmartSolar on device face, sticker and Product Info. Firmware updated. Thanks for your answer.

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ejrossouw avatar image ejrossouw commented ·
If you also tried another phone etc, a reset, then time to get in touch with the dealer. The missing bluetooth setting is for me a concern. Your dealer can test and raise a RMA if necessary, but for me it is a first.
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