SUMMARY: very little data available on the VictronConnect app, more is needed, how to obtain?
NB: this is part of a series of posts, see the first one describing my setup and reporting the first issue I'm having here, and also my second post (regarding another issue) here.
So, I'm kinda disappointed by the data I'm able to gleam from my Victron Smart Inverter when connected to it via Bluetooth and using the VictronConnect app: it only reports its current output power (in VA), its configured voltage (230V), state ("Inverting", "Off" or "Seaching"), battery voltage, and relay state ("Open" or "Closed").
This is way too little to adequately monitor its operation: I was expecting to have, at the very least, a running total (in VA- or Watt-hours) and its temperature. The temperature specially is really weird not being reported, as the equipment itself must know it (for turning on/off its internal fan, for degrading its maximum output power in high temperatures, for generating "high temperature" warnings/alarms, etc). It's specially glaring when compared with what's available in competing (equally capable electrically-wise, and much cheaper) equipment from EPEver/EPSolar for example, with which I have some experience.
So, is there any way to obtain more data (eg, with some other software either by Victron or custom, via the VE.Direct interface instead of bluetooth, with some other firmware version and/or configuration, etc)?
I searched everywhere and could not find any more data. This is my first equipment from Victron, so this issue (and the two others I've reported) could all be due to my ignorance... if so, please enlighten me! :-)
Thanks in advance for all your help.