Hi I have a victron mppt100/50 only 6 months old
Had issues with this since new- this system has no load connected as recommended by your reseller. After 3 months and some free camping it became a major issue not charging correctly and running out of power.
I have just replaced solar panels 2x200 watt panels and also have 2x120=640 watts . Also 2 new AGM 120 batteries lead acid flooded and appeared to operate Bulk, absorb and float when plugged into 240 volt power. But not when free camping with a 2300 watt invertor and a BMP pro charger all items we checked by 2 electricians and can not find any fault ??? After major costs !
Last 4 days free camping in direct sunlight still has not moved my Victron out of bulk except for 1 day but not float- my wife used washing machine is the reason battery level was down on 1st day and haven’t used since.
I am beyond briefed this system is running like this and discussed with other professionals- can you help please as I am hoping there is a tweak in settings. Can you advise accurate settings for this system which I am sure others run - thank you
I have
a also changed the setting from 14.7 to 14.4 for absorb with no luck