
kennel-one avatar image
kennel-one asked

password reset

I've sent a request 3 times to have my password reset and was told a new link was sent to my email address. I have not received a temporary password or any information. Im trying to pair my Victron 50/100 to my phone. Thank you

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2 Answers
Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff) avatar image
Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff) answered ·

Hi @Kennel One

Can you please be a little more specific on what you are doing where and with what result (perhaps with screenshots) as the description you are giving is not completely clear to us?

Already some information:

A password is only needed to connect VictronConnect with our VRM website that is used to collect information from a Venus device. As you are only talking about pairing a 50/100 and do not mention a venus device, I assume you want to pair a SmartSolar 100/50 with your phone. This means that the whole VRM connection in VictronConnect is not needed.

About pairing the phone with the SmartSolar, selecting the product in the main screen of VictronConnect should cause VictronConnect to make a connection with the SmartSolar. At around 80% connection progress, a PIN code needs to be entered. On some phones (samsung, apple, perhaps others), a popup is shown, on other phones (Huawei, Sony, ...), a notification is shown in the top of the screen that a PIN code needs to be entered and the notification needs to be pressed to enable PIN code entry. The default pincode of our products is "000000" (so six zeros, please ignore any suggestion in the popup itself). If this does not work, please also try "123456" as we have had reports that this works instead of the "000000".

I hope this already helps a bit.

Kind regards,

Thiemo van Engelen

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fatboyslim avatar image
fatboyslim answered ·

hi this password will not reset / not work, on VE Bus Smart Dongle Bluetooth ser # HQ1845 UFP39.

Know the p/w is 000000

Or 123456 should work.

This does not work and cannot reset… help?

1 comment
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Hi @fatboyslim

Please start a new question for this. This will help people in finding your question and seeing a possible answer when the problem is solved. And kennel-one will not be bothered with emails that are replies to your question.

In the new question, please mention the things you have tried and the result in VictronConnect. For example the results of the pin code reset procedure:

Kind regards,

Thiemo van Engelen

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