
mclgeneragl avatar image
mclgeneragl asked

SmartSolar Charge Controller MPPT 150/35 MPPT Error #28 Power stage issue

My charge controller is displaying an error code # 28 and is interrupting charging. The recommended solution is to "Disconnect all wires, and then reconnect all wires. If the error persists the charge controller is probably faulty." I've tried disconnecting the wires, and on restart, the controller seems to produce good power for a few seconds, then quickly drops to about 15% current. The controller will continue to charge, sometimes for many hours, at 15% current.

I have a 4P4S Solar Panel configuration charging a 48V bank of LifePo4 cells.

Panels are each Pm 200W, Voc 27.4V, Isc 8.98A

Is this controller damaged, or can it be rectified with software updates? Should I send this in for further warranty investigation? 2.jpg5.jpg4.jpg3.jpg1.jpg

MPPT Controllers
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Take it in for a check/replacement under warranty.

You have followed the instructions and it did not change. There is nothing more you can do as an end user. In fact further on in the instructions that is what is suggested as the next step.

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mclgeneragl avatar image mclgeneragl commented ·
Thank you for your response. I'll be sending it in for warranty consideration.
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mclgeneragl avatar image mclgeneragl commented ·

See further details...

SmartSolar Charge Controller MPPT 150/35 MPPT Error #28 Power stage issue Q2 - Victron Community (

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