Many know that a battery protect cannot be connected between a Multiplus and the batteries. So if while unattended, the Multiplus throws a wobbly and either continuously charges or discharges the batteries, what can be used to disconnected it when the voltage exceeds some pre-defined limit? I know when it's working it will look after the batteries. My concern is when it fails. With a separate charger and inverter, a couple of battery disconnects could be used, but not with an inverter/charger.
I know many LiFePO4 batteries have a built in BMS which will disconnect them but I have a Batrium BMS which will ask the Multiplus (via the CAN bus and Color GX) to stop but cannot actually disconnect it.
I supposed I could use a big relay but I don't like the idea of having a permanently energised relay in the system.
I guess I'm looking for a 250A (I have the Multiplus 3KVA) common port battery disconnect.