
jjm avatar image
jjm asked

BMV-712 Smart not shown in Cerbo GX

Hello community,

I have installed a Cerbo GX and connected a BMV-712 Smart.

Unfortunately, the BMV-712 Smart is not displayed in the device list.

So I cannot add it.

However, something like this is shown in the description for the Cerbo GX.

See attachment...

Can anyone possibly help?

Many thanks in advance



cerbo gxBMV Battery Monitor
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5 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Have you used a VE direct to VE direct cable or possibly the VE direct to USB to connect the BMV to the Cerbo?

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jjm avatar image jjm commented ·
Yes, It's connected with a VE direct cable.
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jjm avatar image
jjm answered ·

I use a VE.Direct cable for the connection.

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jhg65 avatar image
jhg65 answered ·

I have currently the same issue.
BMV 712 is not shown in the Cerbo. And is connected with a VE.Direct cable.
Tried also different ports at the Cerbo.
I've tested the connection some weeks ago and it worked without any issue.The cable ws not connected until now. And I've installed also software 3.22 at the Cerbo.
Now the BMV is not shown any more.

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chrispi avatar image chrispi commented ·
BMV712 is updated too to newest version?? mine was not and i had the same issue after update. updated and it was back on.

but i have issues with DVCC not working.

SImple BMV712, 2xMPPT, 1x Multi + cerbo GX 3.22 and DVCC and voltage share or current limiting not working (No BT connect, Ve-Bus reseted, Cerbo rebooted)

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jhg65 avatar image jhg65 chrispi commented ·
Good point. Haven't checked if there is an update available for the BMV.

Will check and come back.

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ipanema avatar image
ipanema answered ·

Same problem. I have updated BMV and Cerbo GX to the newest versions. Still does not show although the Victron Connect Bluetooth interface shows the BMV 712 on the list

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pwfarnell avatar image pwfarnell commented ·
Is it connected with a VE Direct cable between the BMV and the Cerbo, Bluetooth networking does not work in this case.
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ipanema avatar image
ipanema answered ·

the BMV 712 is connected with VE Direct to the Cerbo GX but is not showing in the list of devices connected to the Cerbo GX. I just reset the BMV and reboot the Cerbo with no results. The BMV works OK from the front display and the Bluetooth-connected smartphone.

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