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projectonebuilder asked

Smartsolar 100/50 problem.

I have a Smartsolar 100/50 giving me a headache. It’s been in use for months with no problems. Now I have no output and it won’t connect to the Bluetooth app. The CC shows on the app but won’t connect.

With the PV connected it shows a solid blue Bulk light but has no output. With the PV disconnected I have a blinking blue light every second or so. The fuse is not blown and it is definitely connected to the batteries. The PV is 600w in a 2S3P and the panels are producing. There’s no possibility of an over voltage.

I’ve tried disconnecting the controller and restarting 3 times. Nothing in the system has changed.

Other than a warranty claim is there something else I might be missing?

MPPT Controllers
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What happens when you try to connect, what percentage does it reach?

Can you also try after removing the pairing information in the phones bluetooth menu?

Kind regards,

Thiemo van Engelen

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projectonebuilder answered ·

0%. It hangs up on 0%. I’ll go through the Bluetooth reconnect instructions tonight but my bigger concern is no output.

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