Yesterday, on a sunny day, I plugged the stuff for my caravan together: 100W solar panel, SmartSolar 75/15 and a 120Ah AGM. Made all the settings as stated on the battery (U_Absorption 14.7V, U_float 13.7) and it works fine - at first. It started bulk with all the current the panel was able to deliver at that time (~ 5A). The load output was at 0.1A. Some hours later it arrives at Absorption at 14.7 - okay so far.
Now the strange thing: When I was back also some hours later, the charger was at bulk loading again with ~5A and the battery voltage was slowly decreasing (~ 0.25V / hr) - I stopped the process as the terminal voltage reached 14V. Battery was cold. Does anybody have an idea what is happening here?
Best regards, Jens