
jj-o-jj avatar image
jj-o-jj asked

Smartsolar 100/20 - can it handle dual 372W, 11A PV


can i hook up 2 Canadian solar 375W PV in series to SmartSolar 100/20 regulator?

MPPT Controllers
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3 Answers
jj-o-jj avatar image
jj-o-jj answered ·

20A in the controller name. Does it represent capability for max AMPs coming from the PV(s), or max amps charging battery?

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Elimac avatar image Elimac commented ·


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Vance Mitchell avatar image
Vance Mitchell answered ·

The 20 in 100/20 refers to the battery charging current.

That particular MPPT can also accept up to 20A solar short circuit current.

You haven’t stated what battery voltage and type also can make a difference as the 100/20 can be used on 48v systems, in which case over 1000w of panels could be connected.

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tkepler avatar image
tkepler answered ·

I'm running quad 320w on mine with a 2 in series, 2 in parallel configuration. And I actually have two sets of that with two controllers.

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