
rzaenger avatar image
rzaenger asked

Raspi 4 with Venus OS v2.71 or Venus OS v2.72~2 no I/O analog menu

Hello all, does anyone else also have the problem that the I/O menu is no longer displayed, for example, not used inputs of the Victron GX Tank 140 to turn off? Does anyone know a solution?


Venus OSanalog
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3 Answers
Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

HA! You discovered a bug. The I/O menu appears only if analog or digital inputs are found, BUT the test for analog input is based on analog tank inputs. Since there aren't any and you probably haven't set up any digital inputs, the I/O menu won't appear.

The code should check for GX Tank inputs and probably temperature inputs too.

You can work around this by installing my RpiGipoSetup package which will activate the PI's 5 digital inputs.

The code that looks for analog and digital inputs is based on persistent settings so you can even uninstall the package and the I/O menu will remain visible.

@mvader (Victron Energy)

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rzaenger avatar image rzaenger commented ·

Kevin, can you please have a look to your github archive, because there is nothing behind the link... ;-) THX

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rzaenger avatar image rzaenger commented ·
I have used the from your repository and: it is running perfect! THANK YOU KEVIN!

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·
Noted - thank you both!
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Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

The GX Tank shows up on my RPI 4 in both v2.71 and v2.72~2.

Without it plugged in, I have an I/O menu but the analog section is empty as you'd expect with no analog inputs.

BTW, I have enabled all 5 digital inputs per info from Rob D.

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rzaenger avatar image
rzaenger answered ·

Hi Kevin, the tank inputs are also displayed with both variants, but no matter what I do, i.e. with or without the GX 140, the I/O menu does not appear... :(

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Related Resources

Victron Venus OS Open Source intro page

Venus OS GitHub (please do not post to this)

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