
agris69 avatar image
agris69 asked

Li-ion 12s (3,7x12) 44,4V on multiplus II 48-5000-70 & Cerbo GX

Hello, I am new to installing Victron and I have a problem. I have to install a 12s li-ion battery type NCM (EV) (3.7Vx12 = 44.4V). With a Multiplus II 48-5000-70 and Cerbo GX. Only lifepo4 appears in Multiplus II. I have changed the alarm and cutoff values below 42V and 40V (after use the ESS assistant). The 45.5V battery gives a low battery failure. What I can be doing wrong? Does anyone have a data table (DOD, SOC, Bulk ...) Thank you very much for your attention.
Lithium Battery
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2 Answers
rolandrrr avatar image
rolandrrr answered ·

State of charge should come from BMS ideally.

At least in my setup where I also have 12st from an EV.

Al voltage levels can be configured with the Victron windows application, in which you create a file, and upload it through the VRM portal (which is through Cerbo GX)

It is called Remote config.

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agris69 avatar image
agris69 answered ·
Thank you very much for the reply. To configure this li-on battery (non lifepo4) in the multiplus II, only lifepo04 batteries appears (apart from the other opz batteries ...). It has to be put in generic battery type or in lifepo4? Thanks
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