
skippeer avatar image
skippeer asked

IP43 charger - Bulk time protection

Victron IP43 charger

Today did I Observe on the batterymonitor that the charger didn’t charge my battery bank as expected.

Checked the shore power, 230 volt.

When I checked the LEDs on the IP43 charger:

All LEDs on including ALERT/ALARM led

Followed by only BULK led on.

My interpretation is: Bulk time protection

I expected to see bulk, floating etc

Have nerver before faced any alarms.

What criteria has caused this bulk time protection?

Will it start to charge after some ”protection time out”?

Don’t like this status now with sound from a Relay and leds flashing

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2 Answers
Mike Dorsett avatar image
Mike Dorsett answered ·

Just checked the manual, and bulk protection should have only the ALARM LED on and the Bulk led flashing. There is no error listed that has ALL of the leds on!.

This might indicate some other fault such as an overheating event? The unit should reset if disconnected from all power sources for some time, and then reconnected.

Did you try VE Connect (phone app?) to see if it can find the charger?

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skippeer avatar image
skippeer answered ·

I tried to connect my IOS app via Bluetooth, it works to some extent.

I can connect but but the charger reboot frequently so the iphone app loose connectivity.

My app starts to re-connect over and over again while the charger restarts.

# # #

I disconnected 230 volt and slept.

When I intended to capture the LED indications this morning in a video did it work as normal.

Don’t like this ”event” because we are preparing 3 months sailing.

Leason learned:

•bring with me a simple charger from my garage just in case…

•be more relaxed if this happens again, disconnect the charger and sleep

Mike, thanks for the help in a troublesome moment

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Mike Dorsett avatar image Mike Dorsett commented ·
We went sailing and finished 11 years later. We ended up with a 50A smart battery charger (not victron), and in the course of time I had to repair this twice - without any support from the manufacturer (Take it back to the dealer - yes, 2,000 miles up wind?). Having a simple back up is always a good move, and as battery charging is a CRITICAL function on a short handed yacht, this needs to be triplicated.
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skippeer avatar image skippeer commented ·

The symptom was:

All LEDs on including red ALARM for a short while
Bulk + Normal LEDs on for a short while

All LEDs on including red ALARM for a short while
Bulk + Normal LEDs on for a short while

IP43 charger restarting over and over again.

Impossible to connect smartphone app due to the restarting/rebooting charger.

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