
Graham Mann avatar image
Graham Mann asked

Solar Panel Localised Heating

Hello there, has anyone experienced localised heating on Victron Solar Panels. I have 4 x off Victron 60 watt solar panels arranged in 2 banks of 2 panels in series and the 2 banks paralleled up to the Solar panel controller.

I have noticed that sections of the panels get quite noticeably warm / hot to the touch, I estimate about 30'C + . The individual cells on the panels are grouped in rows of 8 or 9 cells and 2 rows totalling about 10 cells on the edge of the panel are affected. Ths phenomena is happening on 2 seperate panels. I first noticed it early in the morning when the panels were covered in dew except for the areas that were warmed up, This was early morning when the sun was still low on the horizon so the panels were nowhere near experiencing full overhead sunlight conditions. Any assistance or help in explaining this condition would be most gratefully received.

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2 Answers
Jesse avatar image
Jesse answered ·

If there's heat there's a power source. Have you tried disconnecting everything else and see if there is a load on the batteries? What sort of controllers are you using? Have you done anything interesting with the wiring?

The only way I can imagine replicating this is if the panels were wired directly to the batteries - there can be some back current I think overnight when the panels aren't illuminated. But then it would be the whole panels dissipating power.

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Mike Dorsett avatar image
Mike Dorsett answered ·

A possibility is a faulty cell in the panel which is dissipating power created by other cells in parallel / series with it. Check the Voc and Isc of the panel, assuming you don't have access to a full curve tracer. Compare these with a good panel in the same sunlight. IR thermal imaging would also help localise the hot spots. cells should reach the same temperature with the panel open circuit.

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