Yesterday I had the converter/charger in my RV changed to something that is Lithium battery compatible and verified that the Orion Tr-Smart DC-DC Charger (12/12/30 Isolated) was working on the drive back home. I did that by checking the SmartShunt app and verified that the battery was charging at about the 30 amps I expected from the 12/12/30.
This morning I found I could not connect my smartphone to the Charger. It did not tell me my PIN was wrong, it just would not connect and a screen came up giving me options, including rebooting the phone and watching a video on how to change the PIN. Rebooting the phone did not work and I can not find any video about changing the PIN from an established PIN to a new one on either YouTube or on the Victron webpage. There are tons of videos on YouTube about installing the charger but I saw nothing about changing an established PIN, and the search on the Victron webpage brought up 20,000 hits and I did not think it was worth the trouble to go through more than the first couple of pages.
Can anyone tell me how to change an established PIN? Or point me to the video Victron referenced? Or give me any ideas about how to proceed? I suspect that the charger is working but I want to make sure it is using the proper profile and I can't do that without connecting to it. I also thought about removing the app and reinstalling it but I don't know fi that would do any good.