
PeterM avatar image
PeterM asked

Venus V2.71 on older Venus GX

My older Venus GX ( prior to s/n HQ 1842xxxxxx ) has a program operating in the root which makes the SMA EM appear to the Venus as a Victron EM. This works well. Now it appears that V2.71 Venus OS will repartition the memory. Now the question is will this wipe out my SMA EM Emulator when I upgrade?

Venus GX - VGX
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3 Answers
mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image
mvader (Victron Energy) answered ·

The answer to that depends on where you have put that self made software:

On the root partition: it will get lost with every firmware update; not only when updating to v2.71.

On the data partition (/data): it will not get lost, also not when updating to v2.71 (which does the repartitioning at first boot)

On the scratch partition (/scratch): it would normally not get lost, but in v2.71 it does. Also, once v2.71 has booted once, you'll have no scratch partition anymore. Also not when going back to a previous firmware. For those that don't know what /scratch is: it only ever existed on the Venus GX, and it was the partition that got assigned all remaining free space after making two rootfs-es, the data partition and the other default partitions. And now its gone, the new style (already introduced when starting Cerbo GX production) is to divide all available space between the two rootfs-es and the data partition; instead of assigning it to a fourth one.

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

ps. more info about partitioning and disk sizes also here:

And in your question you wrote that this change was for Venus OS Large, but thats not the case. This change has nothing to do with Venus OS Large (even though it makes life easier for that). So I removed that from your question to prevent confusion. Hope thats ok!

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PeterM avatar image
PeterM answered ·

Thanks , it was installed in root:/data so should be OK ,

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Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

One additional note: While /data is preserved through a software update, any hooks (like a /service link) WILL be lost on a software update. You need code in /data/rc.local (or /data/rcS.local) to restore the hooks in the active root partition after a software update.

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