
jjm avatar image
jjm asked

Cerbo GX - which kind of sensors for digital input

Good morning community,

I would like to use the Gerbo GX and install some sensors.

I am clear about the temperature.

But for other sensors I would need tips on what specifications are required.

As digital input there are some things in the documentation.

Bilge pump


Door alarm

Intrusion alarm



I would like to use sensors for:

Smoke or fire

Door Alarm

Bilge (water leakage)

I would be very happy if I could get tips on which sensors to use.

work with the Gerbo GX.

Thanks in advance for the support.

Best regards


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cerbo gxsensor
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2 Answers
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

As you know, they are digital inputs, so they accept digital signals. In other words on or off signals.
So you can use any sort of contact on/off signals for these inputs like switch contacts, relay contacts or anything that simply has on or off states.

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jjm avatar image jjm commented ·
Hello wkirby,

I just have to come back with this topic.

This means that potential free contact will not work, correct?

This means further that the signal must be high/low between 0...5V, correct?

Thanks in advance


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jjm avatar image
jjm answered ·

OK, thank you for your reply.

Than I have try which sensors works. I hoped to get some proposals of sensors.

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