
joewwy avatar image
joewwy asked

Blue Smart IP22 Charger 1 vs 3

How does the 3 output behave with only one battery connected? Is the total charge output divided among the three outputs regardless? For example if only one battery is connected to the 3 output model would it get a 30 amp charge or a 10 amp charge. If the output is divided can all three outputs be hooked up to one battery?

battery chargingcharger
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tom saffell avatar image tom saffell commented ·
Did you ever get an answer to this? thanks
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2 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

If you connect only one battery it will get the full charge current.

If you connect more batteries the charging current will roughly split depending on the SOC (internal resistant) of the connected batteries.
The battery with the lowest SOC (lowest resistant) will get more current at the beginning.

If all batteries have almost the same SOC the charging current will be almost the same.

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Jaxter avatar image
Jaxter answered ·

Good question joewwy. I've been wondering that myself. I'm going to do some digging ans see what I can find out.

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tom saffell avatar image tom saffell commented ·

Did you find anything out? thanks

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