Hello all,
I installed 2 new 125ah AGM batteries at the same time as installing the Victron BMV-712
Batteries wired in parallel, all Positive terminals go to battery 1, neg goes from battery 2 to the shunt, coach neg goes to the opposite side of the shunt. Battery Neg to Neg, Pos to Pos. Pretty basic install
I have setup the Victron app per all the data I can find, see attached
The other day, the app was telling met the batteries were at 85% yet the battery voltage was reading 12.5v after they had been setting for about 2 weeks.
If 12.5v is about 50% battery, shouldn't the Victron app have told me the batteries were at 50% or even better, 0% meaning there was no more useable battery life left w/o doing damage to the batteries?
What am I missing?
Thanks, Rick