
aceclement avatar image
aceclement asked

Exlplain remote on off switch for battery protect?

I thought I understood how to use the battery protect remote switch terminals to wire to my inverter on off switch thinking the battery protect would shut off the inverter upon low voltage or when I shut it off in the app. The directions seem simple enough, but it doesn't work. Iv tried every possible configuration. I understand the inverter terminal should never be connected through the battery protect, yet many people tell me they have been doing just that long term with no issues.

Why wouldn't the battery protect be designed to work with an inverter or even an inverter on off remote switch? What am I missing?

Why does this device seem useless and overpriced?

The app has no audible notification of low voltage. My inverter will drain my batteries with no help from the battery protect. Really? Why? Is my only option an annoying alarm that will wake me up in the middle of the night and force me to manually turn off my inverter? Or is there another way? Is a relay my only solution? I want the battery protect to do what it should, turn off my inverter when my batteries reach low voltage. Is that too much to ask from the battery protect that cost me $80.

I have no dc loads to use with it other than my inverter.

Thank you in advance. I sincerely hope I do not have to return the item for a refund to use a much cheaper device that will do the job.

Battery Protect
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5 Answers
hoeken avatar image
hoeken answered ·

From what I understand, you can program the Multiplus to stop inverting at a certain SoC threshold, no need for a battery protect.

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aceclement avatar image aceclement commented ·

Thank you for the advice. I will look into that. It sure does seem like the battery protect is a useless device and expensive.

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

The remote on-off connector at the BP is to remotely switch on-off the BP, not to switch on-off other devices.
You can connect a switch there to switch the BP on-off, as it is shown in the manual.

1623340578243.pngThe BP itself is designed to switch off normal DC loads connected to the output.

What inverter do you have?

1623340578243.png (111.8 KiB)
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aceclement avatar image aceclement commented ·

I see, darn it. I hoped for more useful options. Not much of a need for a remote switch if I have the app, but I guess I can use that as a backup. Still doesn't solve the issue of needing to more easily trigger the inverter to turn off automatically when low voltage occurs. Thank you for your help.

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ aceclement commented ·

The BP is also available without Bluetooth so you only have the remote contact to switch it on-off manually.

What inverter do you have? A good inverter should have an adjustable low voltage cut-off.

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mcdoo avatar image
mcdoo answered ·

As an FYI to others coming across this post. Disconnecting a Victron inverter using the Battery Protect (BP) can be done by connecting a wire from the Out terminal on the BP to the left-hand terminal of the Inverter (the on/off switch terminals).

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wkirby avatar image wkirby ♦♦ commented ·
That's true for Victron inverters.

The original question was related to an inverter from a different manufacturer. I seem to remember that she modified her inverter somehow to switch on or off via the Battery Protect.

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abeness avatar image abeness commented ·

I had a bit of a "duh" moment when I read your post, mcdoo, as I was considering how to switch my Samlex PST-1500-12 with the SBP-100 I've got on order. The Samlex unit doesn't have a configurable LVD, it's fixed at 10V, which is too low for comfort with my LiFePO4 battery, but it CAN be remote-switched with single-wire voltage from the supply battery (manual Thanks for the reminder.

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mojohd avatar image
mojohd answered ·

Does your Inverter have a the ability to use a Remote Switch?

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bruce32466 avatar image
bruce32466 answered ·

Is this an acceptable use of a BP? (Yes, I edited the picture below to show what I have)
solar-bat-bp.jpgI was able to use k1 relay on my Multiplus 5000 as my switch in this scenario but for what ever reason the BP is not disconnecting my solar panels. I have a temp controller with a relay connected to aux1 on the Multiplus that triggers the k1 to open or close using assistants. all is working fine except the BP not disconnecting. I checked the state of the relay with a meter and it's doing what it's supposed to. the blue dot on the BP stops flashing but it still passes current to the battery. AND yes I have 6 MPPT charge controllers between the solar panels and the BP.


solar-bat-bp.jpg (139.2 KiB)
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