
Simon Coram avatar image
Simon Coram asked

Triggering a dump load

Ive just fitted to my boat 2x370w panels with a 100/50 mppt, all works well, batteries are fully charged agin by 8.30 in the morning. I am In the process of having a new calorifier water heater fitted which has a 12v/240v immersion element in. Watching this did you know video from Victron, it says you can set it up as a load dump to the heater

HAs anyone done it, or is it better/ easier to connect the 12 side to the batteries via a switch and switch on when i need it when I know the batteries are full. The 12v element is 300w.


MPPT Controllers
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Vance Mitchell avatar image Vance Mitchell commented ·

Can you let us know what other components you have in your system.

Do you have a BMV device? The built in relay can control a dump load at certain SOC.

It is reasonably easy to set a multiplus to dump AC2 when a certain SOC is reached.

If you can give us some more details, we might be able to give you more options and recommendations.

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1 Answer
Mike Dorsett avatar image
Mike Dorsett answered ·

My MPPT 100/50 does not have a load output, but the BMV should have a relay that can be controlled by state of charge see section4.2.2

You could use this in it's inverted mode, with on at 90% soc and off at 80% soc to control a contactor (large relay) for your dump load.

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