
stevo07 avatar image
stevo07 asked

Using multiple AC current sensors


I have a customer who would like to monitor multiple small PV installations using AC current sensors. My questions are:

1. Can multiple sensors be used in 1 installation?

2. What is the max length of cable run for these?

Many thanks

AC PV Couplingsensor
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4 Answers
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

I would think that in regards to cable length you would just have to test it and see, say 10 mtrs should be ok

In relation to Multi sensors being used, you may have to take a punt and just test it, but as long as you have enough inputs on the Multi/Quattro to setup the two or three AC current Assistant then it possibility will add them as different tiles, or it may just add the two into one tile, I dont know, so it maybe a test to see. just put two on one PV array and see what happens. with luck you will get extra tiles one for each input

Please let us all know the results

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innoboreal avatar image
innoboreal answered ·

Any news? I have tested two current sensors for different PV inverters on different inputs on a multiplus II (AUX 1 and AUX 2) and configured them as two different AC current sensors but no success so far, either only one appears, or none of them on the Cerbo GX main panel.

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tiamelis avatar image
tiamelis answered ·

Yes I used 3 ac current sensors in 2 inverters multiplus-II one in aux 1 and two in the other inverter in aux1 and TSENSE, but I only can see ONE PV inverter, all the three are added and I don't know if it's possible to have them separatedly.

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innoboreal avatar image
innoboreal answered ·

As far as I've seen, you will ony be seeing one, but check the sum of the inverters. It sums it for you, so you only see one inverter as the sum of each current sensor.

I confirm that using T-Sense and Aux1 at the same time adds up to the total PV inverters.

To see those changes I usually need to reboot the Cerbo GX.

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