
marcel avatar image
marcel asked

Two different mppt controllers paralel. Is that a problem?

I have a Smartsolar 75/15 on a 12V system and a Smartsolar 100/30 on a 24V system. If I connect both systems paralel to the same solar panels, would they interfere with each other?

MPPT Controllers
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2 Answers
tozz avatar image
tozz answered ·

Yes, that is a problem. Yes, they would interfere. If you want to charge both a 12V and a 24V system, you could maybe get a DC-DC converter?

Charge the 24V batteries using solar and connect a Orion DC-DC 24V to 12V converter to charge the 12V

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marcel avatar image
marcel answered ·

OK, that's clear. And if I use both controllers (again paralell!) for 24V systems. Would they bite each other?

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·

As long as each MPPT has it's own PV string it's ok.

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