
Steve Preston avatar image
Steve Preston asked

Acceptable operating temperature for Cerbo GX

I live in Las Vegas and have a Cerbo GX installed in my camper that is in my driveway. I have been running tests for a few weeks and I am concerned about the operating temperature of the Cerbo GX.

Currently, I have a temperature sensor, p/n ASS000001000, as input #1. It is mounted on top of the Cerbo and it's held in place with electrical tape. While monitoring it, I have noticed that it runs about 10-15 degF hotter than ambient. My question is what is an acceptable high temperature limit for it? I have an alarm set for it @ 46 degC / 115 degF and that has triggered several times this week. Should I be concerned about temperature near 115-125 degF and add some type of fan to cool it or are these temps ok?


cerbo gx
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3 Answers
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi @Ranger Rocko,

according to the specs operating temperature range is -20° up to 50°C. That's max. 122° Fahrenheit.

I would make sure that the device gets some extra fan cooling, controlled by your temp sensor, to extend the range.

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

The datasheet says -20 to +50°C idk what this is in F

Edit: Stefanie was a few seconds faster :)

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Steve Preston avatar image
Steve Preston answered ·

@Stefanie & @Matthias Lange - DE

Crap, I am one who adheres to RTFM and totally missed that on the 2-page datasheet. Thanks for the help.

Edit: I will decide on a final install location for the Cerbo based on cooling needs and install a fan of some sort.

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