
jverret avatar image
jverret asked

Orion TR smart always on

I have 2 Orion Smart TR 12/30 on my boat. Each is connected to it’s own AGM start battery with alternator input from separate engines, and each charges the single house bank. I have the ignition from each engine connected to the “H“ input on the Orion. Nothing is connected to the “L” input. This was installed 6 months ago and was working as designed. Recently, however, the Orions will charge regardless of the ignition voltage. As long as the start battery voltage is sufficient (I also have a shore charger for the start batteries), the Orions will begin charging the house bank. I have tested even with the green terminal connector removed, and the Orions will still charge. Not possible according to the manual. Any ideas? Am I missing something?

orion-tr smart
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3 Answers
chilli avatar image
chilli answered ·

I have exactly the same issue with my Orion (30A non-iso). I have a switch on the dash in my Van that sends +12 to the H remote input and worked perfectly for almost 12 months. However for the past 3 months the remote input switch makes no difference and the Orion turns on as soon as alternator (non-smart) voltage is at 13.8V or higher. As you mention removing the "H" green plug with nothing connected, the Orion still starts as soon as alternator voltage is met. Not sure if it is an actual fault with my Orion remote input not being recognised, or was it due to a firmware update I vaguely remember running around this time ?

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Kasper Kling - Nautech Elektronik avatar image
Kasper Kling - Nautech Elektronik answered ·

I experience exactly the same, installation about 1 year old. am sure I have checked functionality when it was installed.

Now there is absolutely no response to the remote switch.

Result is shorepower 230 charger, charge the start battery which increases the voltage, which activates DC-DC which starts charging house battery,

Not the big damage, but just a big power loss in the DC-DC charger

Apparently it may be the remote inputs which have a weakness that cannot last longer than a few months. Or an error in an update ?

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kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Please get your dealer to check the unit

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