
lurenut avatar image
lurenut asked

AC Power Requirement - Victron Blue Smart IP65 24V 13 Amp Battery Charger

In order to maximise the output from a Victron Blue Smart IP65 24V 13 Amp Battery Charger, what AC input power is required @240v in watts ? The info is required so I can assess the size of generator required to run the charger remotely.

input current
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1 Answer
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

P = U x I

P = 28v (absorption voltage) x 13A

P = 364W + some conversion losses

P = should be around 400W at the AC input

The AC input current should be also printed on the device.

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lurenut avatar image lurenut commented ·

Many thanks Matthias - much appreciated.

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