
rich-1 avatar image
rich-1 asked

Tried to change battery type. Victron connect said “must update firmware to make changes”. Errors

Is there actual tech support for Victron.?I drove 40 mile to install new batteries and need to change chemistry. Now I get errors.

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rich-1 avatar image rich-1 commented ·

I got it working again, but it fails to change battery types without the same error message. And then I have to repeat the process and go to factory default. Very frustrating!

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klim8skeptic avatar image klim8skeptic ♦ rich-1 commented ·

And... did you manage to update the firmware in the Mppt?

Firmware v1.56 is the latest. (for most)

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rich-1 avatar image rich-1 klim8skeptic ♦ commented ·

I’ll go back today and check, but, I believe it did update.

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1 Answer
rich-1 avatar image
rich-1 answered ·

I was able to get it to switch to lithium. It would not switch to GC (golf cart?)


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Justin Cook avatar image Justin Cook ♦♦ commented ·

"GC" or "GC2" is a form factor, not a battery chemistry, so there is no preset for GC2 batteries.

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rich-1 avatar image rich-1 Justin Cook ♦♦ commented ·
Then, why is it in the menu for the battery type?

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